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Forum > Where are flowers typically purchased byfloralshop
Where are flowers typically purchased byfloralshop
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Emma Avaa TopklassSe
2 posts
Nov 24, 2022
2:04 AM
Florists purchase flowers directly from nearby farms, wholesalers, or flower auctions, depending on the preferences of their clients and what flowers are in season. Even some florists produce their own flowers or import them from nations like Colombia or Holland. Florists are experts at caring for and arranging a wide variety of flowers, similar to flower shops in Brooklyn ny, but they also do more than just arrange gorgeous bouquets of flowers in attractive vases. Florists often need to look for flowers and plants from a number of sources that are in season at a certain time of the year in order to assemble complex floral arrangements and mixed bouquets. Thus, to respond to the query

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